New Activity
Play Matching Pairs



The Nurse



Lord Capulet

Friar Lawrence



Presumptuous and entitled

Imaginative, witty, funny. Hotheaded, hates pretentious people and mocks over-passionate people

Starts naive but matures. Passionate and idealistic, motivated by love. Shows courage and strength

Kind, civic minded, a figure of moderation. Plans for the best interests of everyone

Vain, fashionable, rude. Becomes aggressive, violent, and full of pride. Very skilled swordsman

Loves his daughter, but doesn't understand her thoughts or feelings. He commands respect and propriety, and gets angry when he doesn't get it

Passionate, idealistic, impulsive and immature. His primary motivation is love

A thoughtful friend, he tries to defuse violent scenes in public places..

Vulgar, long-winded, and sentimental. Makes (funny) inappropriate remarks. Her view of love is earthy and sexual, not idealistic and intense.