New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ is natural but it doesn't always come naturally . If you ____________________ to ____________________ your baby , you have to ____________________ that this may take some effort in the beginning . You and your baby have to ____________________ together . ____________________ in yourself and ask your partner to ____________________ you . You don't have to ____________________ if you don't ____________________ immediately but don't feel ashamed if you don't want to ____________________ . You can ____________________ the way you want to feed your baby , a happy mother is a happy child ! What makes ____________________ successful ? Make sure you are in a comfortable position and ____________________ backwards . This will help you to relax and will make the milk ____________________ easier . It is important to ____________________ with your baby and keep him ____________________ to you . Next make sure your baby ____________________ on deep . he should take a mouthful so he doesn't ____________________ on your nipples . It shouldn't hurt when your baby ____________________ , though it might feel a bit painful in the beginning . Good luck !