New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . The exam was easy . I passed it ____________________ . 2 . Leroy's careless act set the warehouse on fire . He ____________________ tossed a cigarette into a tank of gasoline .
3 . Paige is a brave little girl . She fought ____________________ against the her fear of ghosts .
4 . Howard is a graceful dancer . He moves ____________________ . 5 . Tom's apology sounded ____________________ sincere . He said that he was ____________________ sorry for misusing the tax funds .
6 . Paula made a generous contribution to charity . She gives ____________________ every year .
7 . The lecture was brief . Dr . Legree spoke ____________________ about the importance of flossing after every meal .
8 . All of our pets enjoy good health . Our collie is ____________________ healthy despite its advanced age .
10 . Your suggestion makes a great deal of sense . You have a ____________________ sensible idea .
11 . Dr . Kraft's job requires patience and skill . He is a ____________________ patient negotiator .
12 . Telling jokes that will not offend others can be difficult . Some comedians are ____________________ offensive .