New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . ? Chemical secrets ? started coming out with the discovery of ____________________ . People noticed that green crumbly rock became an ____________________ liquid that cooled into shiny copper . People even learned how to make soap by combining ____________________ and ____________________ .

2 . Democritus thought that matter was made of ____________________ ____________________ , while Heraclitus thought everything was made of ____________________ . Aristotle believed that everything was made out of four elements : ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ .

3 . The word ____________________ means ? The Chemistry ? in Arabic and Hennig Brand even attempted to make gold from ____________________ . He obviously failed , but he ended up discovering the element ____________________ . It wasn't gold , but it glowed in the ____________________ .

4 . Alchemists managed to develop a great deal of processes and equipment , but they failed to collect ____________________ and if a reaction ever produced a ____________________ , they wouldn't know about it because they let it escape .

5 . Otto van Guericke created a structure in which the air inside two metal hemispheres was pumped out . Even two ____________________ couldn't pull the spheres apart ! However , when the air was let back in , the hemispheres were easily separated ! It was concluded that ____________________ ____________________ on the outside of the spheres was pushing the two halves together .

6 . Joseph Priestly used an inverted flask placed in a liquid to collect ____________________ , which he stored in ____________________ ____________________ . He managed to produce ____________________ , a gas which burned explosively . He also created ____________________ , a gas which caused a flame to burn extra brightly and make Priestly's ? breath feel particularly light and easy for sometime after ? breathing it in .

7 . In the 1700's , Lavoisier heated a piece of ____________________ in a sealed flask . The piece of metal seemed to produce a grayish ash as a result of the heating process . Once the flask cooled , he inverted it under water and noticed that the water rose and filled ____________________ - ____________________ of the flask . He concluded that about one - fifth of the air originally in the flask must have combined with the tin to form the ash . He also concluded that ? air ? is NOT an ____________________ . We know it as a mixture of oxygen and other gases dissolved in nitrogen .

8 . Lavoisier also found that this experiment was reversible since he was able to heat the ash and produce the original ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . Lavoisier named the ? good air ? that he discovered ____________________ and concluded that it made up about ____________________ percent of the atmosphere . He also concluded that the ash was a ____________________ of the tin and the oxygen . He confirmed this by weighing the tin alone and then weighing the ash ( tin plus ____________________ ) and found that the ash weighed ____________________ than just the tin . He knew that the extra mass came from the ____________________ .

9 . Lavoisier also concluded that ____________________ was not an element . It's a chemical reaction that seems to ? use up ? oxygen and produce heat and ____________________ . This brought Aristotle's list of four elements down to just ____________________ .

10 . Lavoisier also proposed the Law of Conservation of ____________________ which states that in a chemical reaction , nothing is ____________________ or ____________________ . The elements are merely ____________________ in new combinations .

11 . Poor Lavoisier's life ended rather tragically when he was ____________________ during the French Revolution .

12 . Water , one of Aristotle's four original elements was found to be a ____________________ , and not one of the 30 elements discovered by 1800 . It was also discovered that compounds involved elements that were always combined in ____________________ ____________________ . For instance , water was always made of ____________________ volumes of hydrogen gas and ____________________ volume of oxygen gas .

13 . John Dalton believed that elements consisted of tiny , ____________________ atoms . He also believed that all of the atoms of one particular element are all ____________________ , but are different than the atoms of other elements . He called fixed groupings of atoms that make up compound substances ____________________ .

14 . Nearly ____________________ elements were discovered by the 1860's and scientists started noticing that some elements were more alike than others . For instance , ____________________ and ____________________ both reacted violently with water . It was almost as if elements belonged to specific families .

15 . Dmitri Mendeleev decided to organize the ____________________ into a table based on increasing atomic weights . When he did this , he noticed that the elements showed a ____________________ pattern . He was able to use this pattern to ____________________ that new elements would be discovered .

16 . The more things the scientists discovered , the more questions they had . For instance , if substances are made of ____________________ , and elements are made of ____________________ , then what are ____________________ made out of ?