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Afferent : sensory impulses from the periphery to the posterior horn of the spinal cord

____________________ : fusion of bones across of joint

Anterior Motion Segment : made up of any two vertebral bodies separated by an intervertebral disc ; responsible for weight bearing

____________________ : released from damaged muscle tissue ; plays role in inflammatory process ; sensitizes nociceptors

____________________ - Fibers : small , slow , non - myelinated nerves carrying pain sensation ; nociceptors

____________________ : viscoelastic material deforms with time when it is subjected to a constant , suddenly applied load . Example : weight lifting

____________________ : motor impulses from the anterior horn of the spinal cord to the periphery

____________________ : an increase in afferent stimuli so the synaptic threshold is more easily reached ; leads to hyperactive responses ( sumpathicotonia )

Golgi Tendon Organ : muscle receptor that receives ____________________ supply from large type A nerve fibers ; stimulated by tension or passive stretch of the muscle tendon ; similar to a Type III mechanoreceptor

____________________ : Loss of energy in form of heat during cyclic loading and unloading of a viscoelastic substance . Example : hopping

____________________ : presence of excess blood in the vessels supplying a particular region of the body

____________________ : intra - articular synovial tabs ; may prevent a joint from having full mobility

Motion Segment : functional unit of the spine consisting of two vertebral bodies , the disc in between those bodies , the articular facets , as well as the ligaments binding the two vertebrae to one another . The vertebral bodies and the disc make up the anterior motion segment , while the posterior motion segment is consists of the articular facets .

Muscle Spindle : length ( stretch ) receptor in muscle fibers ; the primary ( annulospiral ) receptor is supplied by a large type A affluent nerve fiber

____________________ : pain receptor

Posterior Motion Segment : articular facets ; responsible for directional guidance ; mechanoreceptors and nociceptors surround the posterior motion segment

Facets : responsible for ____________________ of motion , directional guidance

____________________ : determine amount of motion

____________________ : Kinesthetic receptors surrounding facets that signal the nervous system about the position of the joints of the spinal column ; plan an important role in the facilitation hypothesis ; receptors include complex nerve endings ( type A beta afferent ; sensitive to stretch and indicate movement and position ) and free nerve endings ( type C pain fibers ) .

____________________ Pain Pattern : commonly seen in injury to the facets or SI joint ; pain is dull in nature , and does not follow the course of a dermatome ( poorly localized )

____________________ Pain Pattern : seen in nerve root compression ; pain pattern follows course of a dermatome ; sharp or burning pain ; radicular pain .

____________________ Nerve ( a . k . a . Recurrent Meningeal Nerve ) : free nerve ending that provides afferent supply to fascia , ligaments , periosteum , intervertebral joints , and intervertebral disc ( but not to the anterior longitudinal ligament )

Soma ( Somatic ) : essentially refers to ____________________ , bone , nerve , and ____________________

____________________ : related to growth and nutrition

Vertebral Arteries : run through the transverse foramina of the ____________________ vertebrae ( beginning at C - 6 ) ; obstruction of the transverse foramina may lead to vertebral artery insufficiency

Viscera ( Visceral ) : essentially refers to ____________________ organs , blood and lymph vessels

____________________ Law : Change in bone due to chronic stress and strain

____________________ Law : The trunk of a nerve sends branches to a particular muscle , the joint moved by the muscle and the skin overlying the insertion of the muscle ; altered nerve activity to a muscle may be associated with altered nerve activity to the segmentally related spinal joints .

____________________ : DJD ; narrowing of joint space , subchondral sclerosis ; lipping and spurring

____________________ : a break in the pars interarticularis ; may be congenital or traumatic

____________________ : a break in the pars interarticularis with accompanying anterior slippage of the vertebra

General Adaptation Syndrome : Hans Selye , described bodies reaction to stress : 1 . Alarm . 2 . ____________________ . 3 . ____________________

____________________ Ligament : restricts rotation and lateral bending

____________________ Ligament : Top of dens

____________________ Ligament : Checks flexion and extension at the upper cervical complex

____________________ Ligament : Yellow elastic tissue , has most ELASTIN of any other s