New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
First teeth : 6 - ____________________ months

First food : ____________________ months

Assisted walking : 10 - ____________________ months

Unassisted walking : ____________________ - 18 months

Talking : 10 - 15 words vocabulary at ____________________ months

Posterior fontanelle closes in ____________________ months

Anterior fontanelle closes at ____________________ years

____________________ Score : Heart rate , respiratory effort , color , muscle tone , reflex irritability

____________________ : Bedwetting

____________________ : General malnutrition

Kwashiorkor : Protein malnutrition

Caput ____________________ : Baby's head has an unusual shape due to swelling of the scalp ; considered a

benign condition

Cradle Cap : Similar to seborrheic ____________________ in an adult

Vitamin K : Prevents ____________________ in the newborn

Umbilical cord falls off : In ____________________ - 10 days

____________________ : Most common cancer in children

Most common cancer in Down's syndrome

Prickly heat : Miliaria from sweat glands

Prolapsed cord produces : Fetal ____________________

Depressed fontanelle indication : ____________________

Bulging ____________________ : Due to intracranial pressure , possible excessive crying

____________________ : produced by honey , corn syrup and molasses in a newborn

Rooting Reflex : Established by stroking the corner of the mouth ; the infant's mouth will ____________________ and ____________________

to the side that was touched .

Most basic primitive reflex originating from the brain stem

Sucking Reflex : Elicited by placing a finger or nipple in the mouth of the newborn stimulated by ____________________

Tonic Neck Reflex : Doctor rotates head of a supine baby and the ____________________ arm and leg extend while the ____________________ arm and leg fle x