New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . Paget's ( aka Osteitis ____________________ ) ( older )

Increases ____________________

Thickened ____________________ ( outline , ____________________ sign )

Bone deformity ( ____________________ phosphorous bone )

Picture ____________________ , ivory white vertebra

____________________ of the legs , " blade of grass "

Osteoporosis circumscripta , ____________________ wool

S / S : Increase ____________________ size , ____________________ size , warm shins , ____________________

Dx : Xray , bone scan

Lab : 1 Alkaline phos ( serum ) ,

normal calcium ( serum ) ,

hydroxyproline ( urine )

Tx : Adjust ( monitor for ____________________ ) brace , PT

Stages :

1 . Lytic

2 . Mixed

3 . ____________________

4 . Malignant

2 . Osteochondrosis ( ____________________ necrosis , aseptic necrosis , ____________________ necrosis )

____________________ - carpal lunate

Osteochondritis Dessicans - medial femoral condyle

____________________ - medial tibial condyle

____________________ - second metatarsal

____________________ - scaphoid in the hand

Legg Calve Perthes - ____________________ head

Osgood Schlatter's - anterior ____________________ tuberosity

____________________ - vertebral end plates

S / S : Usually insidious pain

Dx : Xray ( Crest sign ) , bone scan , MRI

Tx : Non - weight bearing , bracing

Pt , exercise ( swimming )

gentle adjustments

Remember to use heat on initial presentation .

3 . " Soc Hop Diseases "

Schlatter's ( Osgood Schlatter's )


____________________ ( hyperkyphosis , loss of anterior height , thoracolumbar

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis ( SCFE )

4 . Multiple Myeloma ( >50 y . o . )

Blood - plasma cell cytoma

Bone - bone marrow ( ____________________ )

Protein - 1 globulin , Bence Jones ( kidney )

Xray - radiolucent , punched out , no periosteal reaction

Lab - ____________________ ( IgG ) ( A / G reversal ) ( 1 ESR )

- hypercalcemia , hyperproteinuria , anemia

- electrophoresis ( best test ) , cold bone scan


" ____________________ "

Long Bone

A . permeative

B . endosteal



5 . Fibrous Dysplasia ( bone deformity )

Asymptomatic until fracture , ground glass ( hazy )

" Cafe au lait " ( coast of Maine )

Dx : Xray , CT , bone scan

Tx : Adjustments , bracing , surgical grafting if necessary

" riad "

" ____________________ "

6 . Benign Bone Tumors ( Osteochondroma , ABC , UBC , Giant Cell , Fibrous Dysplasia )

Lytic and expansile benign bone tumors are generally non - symptomatic unless the area becomes weak and a pathological fracture occurs

Dx : Xray

Tx : Gentle adjusting , monitor Osteochondroma ( exostosis ) patients for : DJD ad malignancy

- singular considered ____________________

- ____________________ ( aka coat hanger ) ; ____________________ ( aka broad base )

- multiple may lead to cancer

- 15% Chondrosarcoma

Monitor benign tumors for : Surgical grafting ( bone chips ) from fractures , if necessary

____________________ - blown out appearance

____________________ - centralized . . . like ABC but centralized .

Fibrous ____________________ - ground glass appearance

____________________ Cell - Soap bubble appearanc e