His activities

  • Unscramble Words Game

    Using time expressions

    Unscramble Words Game

    In the following exercise you will find a series of words that you must order and give to each sentence a logical sense.

  • Unscramble Words Game

    Using time expressions

    Unscramble Words Game

    In the following exercise you will find a series of words that you must order and give to each sentence a logical sense.

  • Unscramble Words Game

    Using time expressions

    Unscramble Words Game

    In the following exercise you will find a series of words that you must order and give to each sentence a logical sense.

  • Unscramble Words Game

    Using time expressions

    Unscramble Words Game

    In the following exercise you will find a series or words that you must order and give to each sentence a logical sense.

  • Unscramble Words Game

    Using time expressios

    Unscramble Words Game

    In the following exercise you will find a series or words that you must order and give to each sentence a logical sense.

  • Matching Game

    Phrasal Verbs

    Matching Game

    There are five phrasal verbs that you must relate.

  • Word Search Puzzle


    Word Search Puzzle

    There are ten colours hidden in the following frame, find them.