His activities

  • Crossword Puzzle

    Sobre el hecho de que la persona es un ser inteligente con capacidad para aprender con apoyos o pilares que propicien su aprendizaje, la FPI como parte de esos pilares procura el proceso de E-A-E, me...

  • Crossword Puzzle

    Modal verbs

    Crossword Puzzle

    Dear student, you must going to fill in the crossword with the modal verb required by a specific characteristic.

  • Word Search Puzzle


    Word Search Puzzle

    Person who studies at the seminary

  • Word Search Puzzle

    Describing people

    Word Search Puzzle

    You will find 15 words related to "Describing people", in this letter soup . These words are located in different directions (down, cross and diagonal way). Identify and circle them. Good luck.