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Education about substance abuse is an important part of helping individuals understand the many aspects of this topic . This information ____________________ include factual data about what substance abuse is ; warning signs of addiction ; information about how alcohol and specific drugs affect the mind and body ; the consequences that addiction ____________________ have on one's physical and mental health , family , relationships , and other areas of functioning ; and how and why substances are abused .
Education ____________________ also include information on how to deal with a family member or friend who is struggling with a substance use disorder , and how to be supportive during the detoxification and rehabilitation process .
This ____________________ also include counseling education , which helps everyone involved ? from the person abusing substances to family and friends . It is important that people who abuse substances are aware of how a drug ____________________ affect their minds , bodies , relationships , and functioning . This awareness ____________________ help them realize the potential damage that ____________________ occur , or the damage that has already occurred . Substance abuse education ____________________ also include information about what treatment entails to prepare everyone involved for the potential outcomes . The main focus of substance abuse education is teaching individuals about drug and alcohol abuse and how to avoid , stop , or get help for substance use disorders ? and this ____________________ begin at a young age . Education ____________________ start with parents educating their children , and in primary school programming designed to increase knowledge about substance abuse and the associated risks . For teenagers , substance abuse education is generally incorporated into school curriculum as well . Adults who want to learn more about substance abuse ( that they ____________________ then share with their kids ) ____________________ attend classes , group meetings , and research information online in order to learn more about the topic .
Substance abuse education is important for children , teenagers , and adults alike ; there are many misconceptions about commonly used legal and illegal substances , such as alcohol and marijuana . Ensuring that children are educated about drugs ____________________ help prevent them from using them , especially ones that are made to sound harmless , but are in reality very addictive or dangerous to the body . Helping adults understand the repercussions of drug use can prevent a problem from forming and ____________________ provide information they ____________________ share with their children to prevent future issues . Knowledge is power , and with accurate information about the topic , a person ____________________ be more likely to make a fact - based and informed decision . When educating people , all drugs ____________________ be covered , regardless of the strength or perceived risk of harm . While opioids , cocaine , and methamphetamine are viewed as ? hard drugs , ? and therefore have serious consequences , ? minor drugs , ? such as marijuana and alcohol ____________________ still be addictive and are frequently abused . People of all ages ____________________ be aware of the damage that all drugs and alcohol have the potential to do to the body , mind , and relationships .
With the availability of internet resources , there is unlimited access to knowledge about drugs and alcohol , but not every site provides reliable information . If you are preparing to teach a substance abuse education course to adults or deliver a school presentation for children or teenagers , make sure that you know your information well , and verify it as accurate . This website has a number of excellent , reliable , and well - researched resources that ____________________ be used to educate yourself about drugs , so read them thoroughly . Having accurate and reliable information is the best way to identify yourself as a knowledgeable teacher who students ____________________ listen to , regardless of their age .