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Red Scare

Cuban Missile Crisis

Nikita Khrushchev

Demilitarized Zone



Kim Il Sung

Cold War

Fidel Castro

John F. Kennedy

Action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things. Being set apart.

An area in which treaties or agreements between nations, military powers, or contending groups forbid military installations.

Established 1st Communist State in Western Hemisphere

1st Communist leader of North Korea

A campaign against alleged Communists in the U.S. government and other institutions.

Hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S.

Period of Geopolitical tension between Soviet Union and U.S. after WWII

Tense 13-Day political and military standoff in October 1962 between Cuba and the U.S.

1st Secretary of the Communist party of the Soviet Union. Led the Soviet Union during part of the Cold War.

Social activist and Baptists Minister "I Have a Dream" Speech Assassinated 1968

35th President assassinated in 1963. Confronted mounting Cold War tensions in Cuba, Vietnam, and elsewhere.