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PROF 6: How the Internet has Changed Communication

Describe the impact the Internet has had on patient communities

Identify the issues regarding the quality of healthcare information on the Internet

Describe the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD 10 and 11)

Associated Module Learning Outcomes

Assemble, evaluate and apply information (including online resources) at a standard appropriate to a tertiary level, health sciences context

Acknowledge the importance of academic integrity and honesty and execute academic assessment tasks and activities with integrity and honesty

Describe the impact the Internet has had on patient communities

Identify the issues regarding the quality of healthcare information on the Internet

Describe the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD 10 and 11)

Associated Module Learning Outcomes

Assemble, evaluate and apply information (including online resources) at a standard appropriate to a tertiary level, health sciences context

Acknowledge the importance of academic integrity and honesty and execute academic assessment tasks and activities with integrity and honesty
health information professionalism Recommended age: 18 years old
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