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Clockwise is a comedy film from the eighties. It depicts the adventures of a punctual school headmaster as he driver to a conference he had to attend in Norwich. His adventures end up with him being arrested for several unintended offences, that he did as he drove a long way to the conference.The film opens with the scene of Brian Stimpson rehearsing a speech he is supposed to deliver in the occasion of him being elected as the chairman of headmasters council, which is the first time a headmaster of a comprehensive school is elected to this post. Mr. Stimpson comes across as a control freak, a ruthless, punctual headmaster, authoritatively manging his school. Despite his obsession in punctuality, or thanks to it, he misses the train he was supposed to take to Norwich. His adventures start as he loses the papers with his prepared speech on the wrong train. He then tries to find his wife to drive him there and couldn’t find her. But he ends up in car with Laura, one of his students, driving the long way though towns and fields.
literature comedy film Recommended age: 21 years old
0 times made

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Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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