New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Edward ____________________ used to be an army ____________________ , but he is in ____________________ now . Every ____________________ is exactly the ____________________ for ____________________ . It is ____________________ now , and Coke and all the other ____________________ get up at ____________________ , when it is still ____________________ and ____________________ . They have ____________________ at six - ____________________ . Work begins at ____________________ - thirty . Some of the men work in the prison ____________________ , where they make ____________________ , but ____________________ often works in the ____________________ outside . The men have ____________________ at ____________________ . Lunch lasts an ____________________ and then the men go back to work ____________________ . Dinner is at ____________________ . Coke usually goes to the prison ____________________ after ____________________ and reads until 9 . 30 The lights go out at ____________________ . The day is ____________________ , hard and ____________________ and every man has a lot of ____________________ to ____________________ . They usually think about ____________________ they are ____________________ . Coke ____________________ . He always thinks about ____________________ men . One of the men is called Eric ____________________ . He used to an army ____________________ , just like ____________________ . Coke knows that ____________________ has a lot of ____________________ now . The second man's name is ____________________ . That is ____________________ Coke knows about ____________________ . Masters knows ____________________ and ____________________ Hugo is - but Coke ____________________ . Every night Coke lies in ____________________ and thinks about Eric ____________________ and ____________________ . There is another ____________________ he thinks ____________________ , too . ____________________ . He wants to ____________________ and find ____________________ , and then the other ____________________ . Coke is in ____________________ for something he did ____________________ do .