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1. SSRI Drugs
2. MAOI Drugs
3. TCA Drugs
4. Atypical Drugs
5. SNRI Drugs

Contraindications: pheochromocytoma, heart, vascular or kidney dysfunction

Avoid anticoagulants, other serotonin agonists, (triptans), opiate derivatives, & lithium

Trazadone is often used for a sleep aid

Contraindication: client’s who have seizure disorders

Common s/e weight gain, insomnia, nausea, sexual dysfunction

Monitor for weight loss & increases in B/P

Takes 4-8 weeks to take full effect

Bupropion contraindications: seizure disorder, MAOI use, anorexia or bulimia

Zyban brand of bupropion: used for smoking cessation, reduces cravings

Cause anticholinergic S/E

Not an SSRI, but high risk of serotonin syndrome

Monitor for hyponatremia (especially elderly)

Use cautiously w/diabetes, seizure disorders, or w/antihypertensive use

Increased SI noted in children/adolescents

Can increase suicide risk r/t high risk for lethality w/toxic dose

Contraindications: SSRIs, TCAs, buspirone (BuSpar), opiate derivatives, dextromethorphan

Fewest side effects of all antidepressants

Avoid dehydration, increases hypotension risk

Each drug has it is own mechanism of action & indications

Has the only medication that can be used transdermal

Good for use in adults with SI, least risk of suicide by OD

Must follow a tyramine-free diet

Monitor BP & heart rate for orthostatic changes

Duloxetine (Cymbalta) can exacerbate liver issues