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1. Definitions
2. Environtmental Words

temporary ponds which fill up as result of snowmelt in the spring then dry up in the summer, important to amphibian's


chlorine is added to the water to filter out harmful bacteria

First Filtration

the large particle become heavy and sink to the bottom of a big basin in which sediment is collected

Second Filtration

The first step in the process in which the water is filtered and big particles removes

Vernal pools



the water is run through a fine particle like sand or gravel to filter out other things in the water

People who live next door to the wetland and applicant


the next step in which things like alum, polymer, carbon dioxide, and sometimes lime are added to make small particle in the water clump and form big particles

pumping oxygen into the water to make it taste, smell, and look better

the rules and restriction applying to an area of land and it's use


Coagulation/ floatation


a standard for making judgment