New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
? MARRIAGE was part of God´s PLAN from the very ____________________ .
? God created MEN and ____________________ to be equally important but ____________________ and complementing ____________________ ____________________ , because we were ____________________ in ____________________ image and likeness .
? The book of ____________________ speaks to _s about God´s mind for all of us as his ____________________ ____________________ .
? WEDDINGS are so important in the life of people , that even JESUS attended a ____________________ at Cana , in Galilee .
? The beginning of the sacrament of ____________________ is the ____________________ of the ____________________ .
? The sacrament of ____________________ or ____________________ is an effective sign of Jesus´ ____________________ and ____________________ .
? The love of ____________________ is made present in the ____________________ of Matrimony through the love of a ____________________ and WIFE .
? In the Sacrament of Matrimony , a MAN and a ____________________ become husband and wife , according to ____________________ - ____________________ .