New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Engagement
2. Representation
3. Means of Expression

Some students are English language learners.

Some students enjoy creating content with technology.

A student writes fluently in his native language but struggles to write in English.

A student does not have much background knowledge on a subject.

A student enjoys writing and dislikes making art and models.

A student is not interested in the topic.

Some students have already mastered the learning target.

Students have difficulty following multi-step instructions.

A student with visual deficits struggles to read the materials.

A student struggles to maintain attention.

A student has trouble sitting still to watch or listen to information.

A student often fails to complete long assignments.

Students have favorite characters that they engage with.

Some students enjoy performing in front of the class.

A student uses Assistive Technology to communicate.

A student struggles with written content.

Students have different reading levels.

A student has an auditory processing disorder.

Some students prefer hands-on activities.

Students might prefer to work alone or in groups.

Students have different interests.