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There is also a G2 checkpoint that controls entry into the mitotic phase and a metaphase checkpoint that stops progression to ____________________ . However , most cells usually proceed through the cell cycle once beyond the G1 checkpoint or ____________________ point . The mitotic phase refers to the division of the parent cell into two ____________________ daughter cells . Two distinct but overlapping processes that happen in this phase are : karyokinesis ( the division of the nucleus ) and cytokinesis ( the division of the cytoplasm ) . Mitosis can be broken down into : prophase , metaphase , anaphase , and telophase . Metaphase can be further broken down into ____________________ and metaphase . Mitosis is a continuous process ; the 4 phases of mitosis ____________________ into each other . In prophase , the chromosomes appear ( each chromosome consists of two chromatids that are held together by the centromere ) . The centrioles also duplicate and move with their centrosomes to opposite ends of the cell . In late ____________________ , the division of the chromosomes into chromatids is clearly seen . It can also be noted that a cluster of microtubules called an aster extends from the centrioles and begins to form the mitotic spindle and the nucleoli disappear . In prometaphase , the ____________________ envelope breaks down , releasing the chromosomes into the cytoplasm . Additionally , kinetochores form around the centromeres of chromosomes and ____________________ microtubules attach to them . It is important to not confuse kinetochore microtubules with ____________________ microtubules , which radiate from each aster . Polar microtubules push against each other , moving centrosomes apart . During metaphase , microtubules pull chromosomes , lining them up along the ____________________ of the cell ( equatorial plane or metaphase plate ) . A cell can only enter anaphase once it ensures that all the chromosomes are properly aligned and have kinetochore microtubules attached to them . If for instance , it was found that one chromosome does not have kinetochore microtubules attached to it , then the cell would not ____________________ to the next phase and would instead enter the G0 phase . During anaphase , cohesin proteins are ____________________ to allow sister chromatids to separate from one another . Kinetochore microtubules pull sister chromatids towards the opposite ends of the cell . As kinetochore microtubules pull sister chromatids , another process occurs at the same time : polar microtubules ( non - kinetochore microtubules ) elongate . This pushes the ____________________ and the set of chromosomes to which they are attached to opposite ends of the cells . In telophase , the mitotic spindle disassembles , but polar microtubules remain and further ____________________ . The nuclear envelope and nucleoli ____________________ , and chromosomes uncoil to form chromatin . During cytokinesis ( which starts at ____________________ and continues through telophase ) , the parent cell's cytoplasm divides into two daughter cells with one nucleus in each . Essentially , a ring of actin microfilaments called the ____________________ ring forms around the equator of the cell just beneath the plasma membrane . This ring shrink , pinching the plasma membrane inward ( this is called furrowing and it forms what is called a ____________________ furrow ) . Eventually , the ring ____________________ until there are two separate cells bound by their own plasma membranes . The time taken for each of the phases of mitosis varies . Mitosis itself lasts from 30 minutes to 3 hours . ____________________ are proteins that control the cell cycle at each checkpoint . Cyclin ____________________ vary through the cell cycle . Cyclins trigger the transition from G1 to S phase and from G2 to M phase by activating enzymes called Cyclin - dependent kinases ( ____________________ ) by binding to them . These enzymes activate other proteins ( such as ____________________ - retinoblastoma protein ) by phosphorylating them . pRb is a tumor suppressor and phophorylating it prevents it from inhibiting DNA replication . As mentioned earlier , cyclins bind to Cdks forming cyclin - cdk complexes that trigger or regulate each step of the cell cycle . In essence , cyclin - cdk complexes control the progression of a cell from one checkpoint to another . In cancer , cyclin levels are often much higher than normal and the tumor ____________________ protein p53 is usually absent at the G1 phase allowing progression to the S phase . The protein p53 suppresses cell division and without it the cancer cells will continue to ____________________ rapidly and cause tumors . Certain anti - cancer drugs can stop the cell cycle at specific checkpoints . Vinca alkaloids are drugs arrest cancer cells in mitosis . Cytarabine , methotrexate , and flourouracil arrest cells in S - phase . Cisplatin is a drug that stops DNA replication . Two side effects of these drugs are nausea and hair loss because of their effect on the digestive tract and hair follicles . There are however medications that are given to patients to combat these side effects .