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1. Bedrock bottom streams
2. Cobble and gravel bottom streams
3. Mud or silt bottom streams

Fishes adapted to low oxygen conditions

A wide variety of worms live in this area

Insect larvae adapted to mud

Rooted pond-plants grow along this area

Phytoplankton species are usually adapted to slow water

The blue-green algae Rivularia covers the rock in a sluppery mass. Its cells are held together in chains by a gelatinous sheath

Rooted aquatic plants need the protection of rocks to become stablished

The mayfly has a flat body, strong claws, muscular legs and a suction disk

The most famous occupants in these streams are fish

Diatoms (algae) often cover the cobbles

A wide variety of insect larvas can be found on the sides and bottoms of the rocks