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1. Marbury Vs. Madison (1803)
2. Brown v Board of Education (1954)
3. Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
4. Gideon V. Wainright (1963)
5. Roe v Wade

Eventually led to the end of segregation in all schools in American

The Supreme COurt found that in all criminal cases, the defendent has the right to a lawyer, even if they can not afford one.

Dealt with a man accused of stealing money and beverages. He was not given a lawyer

Allowed the Supreme Court to review acts of government as unconstitutional

Dealt with segregation of schools in Topeka Kansas

From this case on, law enforcement has to read citizens under arrest their rights under the US constitution.

The fifth amendment states that you have the right to not be a witness against yourself

The Supreme Court found that segregating schools was inherently unequal

This case dealt with the due process clause of the 14th amendment and the 9th amendment

Petitioner asked for a writ of mandamus to deliver his commission

Dealt with the sixth amendment

James Madison refused to deliver William Marbury's judge commission

Effectively overturned Plessy v Ferguson (1896), which had called segregation seperate but equal

Dealt with the fifth amendment

The Supreme Court stated that within the right to privacy, a women has the right to an abortion when the fetus is non-viable

Dealt with the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

Dealt with a man that was convicted after he signed a confession without understanding his rights

The Supreme Court decided that all people have a certain right to privacy

The Supreme Court case found that the petitioner's conviction should be overturned because he was not informed of his rights

Was the first case that utilized the principle of Judicial Review

Florida law stated that lawyers would only be provided if a person was charged with a capital crime

Dealt with the case of a women who wanted an abortion even though Texas state law said she could not have one