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no title, found on, artist is illegible, made in 1991, speech bubbles by sea lions show a conversation, “Do you really think they are cleaning up their act?“ “It seems to me they’re just cleaning up their AD.”, text also shown on a poster held by the Eskimo


set in Alaska at the Prince William Sound’s Bligh Reef, three people from Exxon setting up a photograph with a poster being used as a false background


two men are forcing an Eskimo to pose for a picture


a woman is holding up a poster with a typical Alaskan background to hide a sinking ship behind it, two whales appear to be smiling and swimming on the poster


a camera is ready to take a photo of an Eskimo holding a sign that says “I love Exxon“


two angry-looking sea lions/seals having a conversation about the photo shoot


there is oil in the water behind the Eskimo in the water