New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
8 ? So when ____________________ had ____________________ , the ____________________ of the ____________________ said to his ____________________ , ? ____________________ the ____________________ and ____________________ them their ____________________ , ____________________ with the ____________________ to the ____________________ . ' 9 And when those came who were ____________________ about the ____________________ hour , they each ____________________ a ____________________ . 10 But when the ____________________ came , they supposed that they would receive ____________________ ; and they ____________________ received each a ____________________ . 11 And when they had ____________________ it , they ____________________ against the ____________________ , 12 saying , ? These ____________________ ____________________ have ____________________ only ____________________ hour , and you made them ____________________ to ____________________ who have ____________________ the ____________________ and the ____________________ of the ____________________ . ' 13 But he ____________________ one of them and said , ? ____________________ , I am doing you no ____________________ . Did you not ____________________ with me for a ____________________ ? 14 Take what is ____________________ and go your ____________________ . I wish to give to this ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ as to you . 15 Is it not ____________________ for me to do what I wish with my own ____________________ ? Or is your ____________________ ____________________ because I am ____________________ ? ' 16 So the ____________________ will be ____________________ , and the ____________________ ____________________ . For ____________________ are ____________________ , but ____________________ ____________________ . ?