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1. Key Acts
2. Definitions

Sugar Act

Act passed in 1773 that gave the British East India Company monopoly of tea sales in the colonies

Four acts passed by the British Parliament in 1774 to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party

Townshend Acts

Tax imposed 1767 on many imported goods like glass, paper, oil, lead, paint, tea, and British China

In 1764 it strictly regulated the issuance of paper money and forced trading with hard sterling

Declaratory Act

Passed in 1765, it was a tax on paper goods, documents, and playing cards shown as a stamp

Stamp Act

Tea Act

Intolerable Acts

passed in 1766, it repealed the Stamp Act & Parliament rights to impose taxes & govern the colonies

Currency Act

Passed in 1764, it was a tax imposed on sugar and molasses imported from non-British locations