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1. Freedom of Speech
2. Freedom of the Press

Online news outlets can publish content without fear of government intervention.

Filmmakers can produce/distribute docs that explore social, political, or environmental issues.

Reporters can investigate issues of public interest, e.g. gov't corruption or corporate wrongdoing.

W/in certain legal limits, ppl can express their opinions social media w/o fear of gov't censorship.

Journalists can report news & provide analysis on current events in newspapers & news websites.

Individuals can give speeches in public spaces to voice their opinions/advocate for certain causes.

Political commentators can freely Xpress their opinions on gov't policies, elections, & politicians.

Individuals have the right to peacefully assemble & protest against government actions or policies.

TV and radio broadcasters can deliver news reports and cover events without government censorship.

Scholars can research, publish findings, & engage in intellectual discourse w/o censorship/reprisal.

Individuals can practice their religion & express their beliefs w/o interference from the gov't.

Artists can create works that express their ideas, beliefs, or criticisms w/o gov't interference.