New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Hyperbolic Statements
2. Meanings

Extremely nervous

I'm so old I remember when rocks were soft!

Extremely tired

I'm sweating bullets!

I'm so tired I could sleep for a week!

Extremely happy

I'm so clumsy I trip over my own shadow!

Very thirsty

I'm freezing to death!

Exaggerated age

Extremely cold

I'm so scared I could jump out of my skin!

I'm so happy I could cry!

Extremely clumsy

Extremely hot

I'm so busy I don't have a minute to spare!

I'm so broke I can't even afford to pay attention!

Extremely hungry

Extremely busy

I'm dying of thirst!

Extremely bored

I'm so bored I could die!

I've told you a million times!

I'm so hungry I could eat a cow!

I could eat a horse!

Extremely poor

Exaggerated repetition

Extremely angry

I'm so mad I could scream!

Extremely scared