New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ir al cine esta noche .
I feel like going to the movies tonight .

2 . ____________________ que ____________________ a hacer la tarea . Desafortunadamente todo está mal .
I have to do the homework again . Unfortunately everything is wrong .

3 . ¿ A qué país ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ir ? ( Informal you )
What country do you feel like going to ?

4 . Siempre ____________________ de ____________________ mi tarea a tiempo .
I always try to do my homework on time .

5 . ¡ ____________________ de ____________________ mi billetera !
I have just lost my wallet !

6 . Voy a ____________________ a ____________________ el libro porque es muy complicado .
I have to read the book again because it is very complicated .

7 . ¿ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ bailar ? ¡ Vamos , la noche recién empieza ! ( Informal you )
Do you feel like dancing ? Come on , the night has just begun !

8 . María siempre ____________________ de ____________________ oraciones con las palabras que aprende .
Maria always tries to make sentences with the words she learns .

9 . ¡ Mi esposa ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ su vuelo !
My wife has just missed her flight !

10 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ comer algo . Tengo mucha hambre .
I feel like eating something . I am very hungry .

11 . Nosotros vamos a ____________________ a leer el artículo .
We are going to read the article again .

12 . Si necesitas mejorar tu español , trata ____________________ ____________________ siempre tus tareas .
If you need to improve your Spanish , always try to do your homework .

13 . Honestamente , no ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ir al concierto .
To be honest , I don't feel like going to the concert .

14 . El señor Ramos realmente ____________________ ____________________ . Tiene una familia maravillosa .
Mr Ramos is really lucky . He has a wonderful Family .

15 . El alumno ____________________ ____________________ reservar más clases en Italki .
The student has just booked more lessons on Italki .

16 . ____________________ de ____________________ mi cena . Ahora me gustaría un postre .
I have just finished dinner . Now I would like a dessert .

17 . ¿ Te gustaría ____________________ a ____________________ a Italia ? Podemos ir a los museos en Roma .
Would you like to go to Italy again ? We can go to the museums in Rome .

18 . Mis estudiantes siempre ____________________ ____________________ mejorar su español .
My students always try to improve their Spanish .

19 . Mi jefe ____________________ ____________________ premiar nuestros esfuerzos .
My boss always tries to reward our efforts .

20 . Lo siento , parece que ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ el tren . ( Informal you )
I'm sorry , it seems like you have just missed the train .