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1. Chromoblastomycosis
2. Mycetoma
3. Sporotrichosis
4. SC fungal infect
5. Mucous membrane fungus
6. Cryptococcus yeast infection


Worldwide- soil, sphagnum moss or decaying wood


Inhalation->progressive lung disease->meningitis


cryptococcus yeast

Lesions follow puncture wounds, Progress to ulcers

Puncture into skin- Follow up for relapse for years

Amphotericin B

Hard, nontender, subcutaneous nodule Progresses to ulcers along lymphatics

candidia yeast

Yeast with capsule

Itraconazole-oral (200-400 mg/d) 6-18 mo

Most common form of fungal meningitis- Immunocompromised

Look at grains within the infected tissue, Need ID to select treatment


Localized trauma, Small papule to progression over years