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____________________ enters the kidney from the ____________________ artery The knot of capillaries inside each renal capsule is called a ____________________ . The narrowing of blood vessels produces a high pressure and this helps to force substances out of the blood and into the ____________________ ____________________ . The process is called ____________________ . The capillaries in the glomerulus have gaps between cells called ____________________ which also help in transport . The cells of the capsule also have ____________________ , so the only barrier to movement is the molecules ____________________ ( seen in the diagram below ) . Molecules that pass through are all ____________________ , eg water , ____________________ , ____________________ ( Na + , Cl - ) , urea ( larger molecules - depends on size and charge )

The liquid in the capsule is called the glomerular ____________________ . It contains many useful molecules such as glucose that must be 100% ____________________ into the blood . This occurs ____________________ a concentration gradient and therefore requires ____________________ ____________________ and therefore energy used by protein pumps . A large volume of water is also reabsorbed ( ~80% ) , passively by ____________________ . The pct is lined by cells with ____________________ that increase the surface area for absorption . The liquid leaving the pct now contains water , ions and ____________________ .

The job of the ____________________ of ____________________ is to produce a ____________________ concentration of salts in the ____________________ of the kidney . The ascending and descending loops have different permeabilities ; the descending is mainly ____________________ to water and the ascending is ____________________ to ions ( Na + and Cl - ) and not H2O . Water moves by osmosis out of the descending loop and is carried away by capillaries . The filtrate therefore becomes more ____________________ as it descends . Salt then diffuses out of the ascending loop and is also pumped out by active transport .

The collecting ducts lead to the ____________________ of the kidney and unite to form the ____________________
which takes urine to the ____________________ for storage .
The liquid entering the ducts has lost much of its water , however regulation must occur if body fluids are to maintain a near ____________________ concentration . The walls of the ____________________ ____________________ are usually of a low permeability to water , therefore when the body fluids are fully hydrated , the urine will be ____________________ . If the blood becomes too concentrated , it is detected by the ____________________ , which then causes ____________________ ( antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin ) to be released by the ____________________ gland . This is transported in the bloodstream to the kidneys where it causes the collecting duct walls to become ____________________ to water . With the high salt concentration in the medulla produced by the Loop of Henle , water will move out of the collecting ducts by osmosis and is absorbed into the blood , thus diluting it .