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1. Introduction and Literature Review
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion and Conclusions
5. Abstract

Describes procedures to allow replication

Comprehensive summary of information in the article

Compares findings to the literature

Outlines the scope of the study

Operationally defines variables

Usually 150-250 words

Describes the significance of the work

Describes intervention

Evaluates and analyzes findings

Situates the current study in the context of past studies

Describes data analysis

Usually written last

Describes participants numerically with descriptive statistics

Presents the facts of the study

Discusses implications of findings

Describes participants and their sampling

Reviews the research hypothesis or question

Includes limitations

Avoids interpretation, biases, or conclusions

Presents each hypothesis and related data

Describes outcome measures used

Describes gaps in the literature that the new study will fill

Sets the stage and orients the reader to the topic

Includes recommendations for future research