New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Coralyyn Zhang is a ____________________ year student in ____________________ University , where she ____________________ Food Science . Coralyyn is an ____________________ young person , and with a great ____________________ in English , which she speaks ____________________ .
I asked her to come and give some of her ____________________ about being a student in China ; and explain some of her ____________________ and ____________________ .
Coralyyn , why did you ____________________ to come and study here ?

Well , I didn ? t ____________________ to come here in the first ____________________ , you see : I ? m from ____________________ , and people there have a ____________________ to ____________________ there ; and some of them just ____________________ the rest of [ their ] ____________________ there , but I think going to ____________________ is about ____________________ something new , so I listed the major [ s ] that I ? m ____________________ in , and then I began to ____________________ the college according to that , and I was ____________________ about industrial design back then and Jiangnan University is ____________________ for that ; so that ? s why I came here .
But now you ? re studying Food ____________________ , is that right ?
Well my ____________________ wasn ? t high enough , and I got ____________________ to the Food Science School , but [ in ] this ____________________ Jiangnan University is ____________________ the first in China ? and it ? s ____________________ of the name ; because the school provides us [ with ] some advanced ____________________ , and the even ____________________ our materials [ which ] we use to do some ____________________ .
And we can join some clubs like the ____________________ club , and the ____________________ products club ; and something like that ; and we can ____________________ in some ____________________ events to win some ____________________ if you want : that ? s very great !
Sounds like a ____________________ subject to be studying ! But of course it ? s a ____________________ ; and ____________________ are ____________________ ; so what actual scientific studies do you have to ____________________ to do Food Science in Jiangnan University ?
Well we study a lot of things ? like ____________________ , physics and ____________________ ____________________ ; well , because we have a lot of ____________________ to take some of our students will feel ____________________ out : but it ? s not as hard as it seems , ____________________ the things we study [ are ] quite ____________________ compared with those [ of ] students who study ____________________ subjects like mathematics ?
It ? s hard to say which is ____________________ , because it depends on the ____________________ you want to do after ____________________ .
So I guess this can help in a ____________________ job ? maybe something involving ____________________ ?
Yes ? but I didn ? t plan to be a ____________________ ! [ The subject ] which I learn in university could help me because I was ____________________ to work in such ____________________ like ____________________ , and so on . . .
I think I might be more ____________________ for marketing because I always have some ____________________ idea ____________________ in my head in my ____________________ life . And I was thinking of some ____________________ company like ? ____________________ would be great .
Oh , very ____________________ ! But , ____________________ , outside the ____________________ and the ____________________ you have many ____________________ : maybe you could tell us about ____________________ ?
Well , I ? m very interested in ____________________ , and ____________________ ; and some thing [ s ] like that ; I ? m kind of ? an ? art ? person : so I joined the club of ____________________ in our school ? and I ? ve ____________________ a lot in some ____________________ ? and that ? s [ a ] kind of great ____________________ .
I believe you said you like our ____________________ pop music very much ? is that ____________________ ?
Yes , of course : I listen to a lot of British ____________________ ; and I love ____________________ Sheeran , ____________________ Goolding and my ____________________ singer is ____________________ Swift ?