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Learning styles





This learner is the observer who will contemplate what happened. As an observer, they are not likely to get directly involved, but look at alternative points of view, drawing on the information and work towards conclusions. If putting together a learning session they like personality and self-analysis questionnaires, observations, coaching, interviews and reflection time.

This is those learners that learn best by carrying out a practical task or doing. They love getting stuck in and their hands dirty. their If putting a session together for this style wold involve role-play, puzzles, discussion, solving problems and brain storming.

These will want to put the lessons into practice. They will apply the new learning to the real world as a test to see if it works. New ideas will be experimented with to check they work. This learner will need time to consider the learning so case studies, problem solving and discussion work well for them.

This learner will need to understand theories, problems and methodology in the learning activity. They integrate observations and logic whilst thinking through problems with methodology, but understand they can be perfectionists. To meet their learning needs focus teaching to statistics, theories and models.

This refers to a range of competing and contested theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. These theories propose that all people can be classified according to their 'style' of learning, although the various theories present differing views on how the styles should be defined and categorised. A common concept is that individuals differ in how they learn.