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1. 哮喘 Asthma
2. 心脏病 Heart disease
3. 肾病 Kidney disease
4. 糖尿病 Diabetes

排便时感觉疼痛 Pain during defecation

没有胃口 Lack of appetite

视力减退 Visual impairment

经常咳嗽 Cough often

心脏部位经常疼痛 Frequent pain in the chest

容易疲倦 Easily tired/sleepy

心跳不规律 Irregular heartbeat

胸口很闷 Stuffy chest, as if suffocated

伤口很难变好 Wounds are hard to heal up

呼吸困难 Difficulty in breathing

脚水肿 Swollen legs

时常感到头晕 Often feel dizzy

腰部疼痛 Waist pain

喘息很大 Sound of breath is loud

很常小便,小便带血 Frequent urination, blood in urine

经常觉得口渴 Often feel thirsty