New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Just ____________________ it's the ____________________ season in ____________________ West ____________________ . But in ____________________ ____________________ in parts of ____________________ , Burkina ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ , the only ____________________ you will find are ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ people . Most ____________________ men have ____________________ to pursue ____________________ in ____________________ gold ____________________ . While this form of ____________________ could be seen as a ____________________ , more ____________________ and ____________________ form of wealth ____________________ , it is a risky ____________________ that is ____________________ to small - scale ____________________ , is economically ____________________ , is bad for the ____________________ and carries with it ____________________ ____________________ risks . Gold ____________________ is not new . West ____________________ ____________________ thrived from the ____________________ to ____________________ centuries because they ____________________ the trans - ____________________ trade . Gold and ____________________ were traded ____________________ in exchange for ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ coming ____________________ . Empires rose and ____________________ , ____________________ on their ____________________ to ____________________ the gold ____________________ . The gold mines of the ____________________ West ____________________ empires were eventually ____________________ out and became ____________________ until large - scale ____________________ mining returned to the ____________________ in the ____________________ . Regional gold ____________________ has ____________________ in recent ____________________ and is now a ____________________ source of ____________________ in Burkina Faso , Mali and ____________________ . While large - scale gold mining in the region is ____________________ by international mining ____________________ of ____________________ , South ____________________ , US , ____________________ or ____________________ origin , these operations ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ tangible benefits to the ____________________ ____________________ of the ____________________ .