New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ winners had the ____________________ to be more ____________________ . Khalid Benaissa , a young ____________________ with a goatee ____________________ , jumped up and ____________________ on the ____________________ as he ____________________ up his ____________________ , for best ____________________ film . He said he was very ____________________ . Mr Benaissa's Sektou , or They have ____________________ Talking , was a ____________________ shot film ____________________ the ____________________ and ____________________ of ____________________ in ____________________ . This is an ____________________ film - the ____________________ was done in ____________________ , it was ____________________ in ____________________ , my heart is ____________________ , and it was made into my ____________________ film in ____________________ because I was ____________________ to ____________________ here in ____________________ Faso ? he ____________________ . The ____________________ matter was the ____________________ for ____________________ of the ____________________ of the many ____________________ killed by the ____________________ state in the ____________________ and ____________________ . Leila Kilani's Our ____________________ Places won best ____________________ . Like ____________________ films here - in ____________________ ones from ____________________ Africa - it explored the ____________________ of ____________________ . Sometimes there were ____________________ : some films in ____________________ turned up ____________________ , or not at ____________________ . Other directors , ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ at the ____________________ of the ____________________ of the Film ____________________ . The ____________________ were also ____________________ when French ____________________ performed an unexpected ____________________ display at the ____________________ ceremony , in ____________________ approaching ____________________ . The firemen were ____________________ in town to ____________________ the 30th ____________________ of the ____________________ fire ____________________ . The ____________________ ceremony , a week ____________________ , was even more ____________________ . A procession of ____________________ - metre tall ____________________ , each ____________________ by a half - ____________________ man , ____________________ the ____________________ . But ____________________ thing ____________________ . Aside from the ____________________ Teza ? an ____________________ film - at the ____________________ the ____________________ African ____________________ are being ____________________ in ____________________ Africa and South ____________________ . The rest of the ____________________ movies are ____________________ as well ____________________ , it ____________________ . As the ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ ____________________ , Africa's ____________________ could ____________________ on ____________________ great ____________________ - that of ____________________ their ____________________ to the ____________________ ? in a ____________________ which is ____________________ ____________________ in the ____________________ ____________________ of ____________________ but of ____________________ ____________________ ; or the hazardous ____________________ for ____________________ gold .