New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . The company ____________________ ____________________ this year . ( laajentaa ulkomaille )
2 . We ____________________ ____________________ state - of - the - art computers in the office . ( käyttämme aina )
3 . The manager ____________________ ____________________ on business to Italy . ( matkusti usein )
4 . They ____________________ their personnel once a year . ( koulutti )
5 . She ____________________ ____________________ to work by car in winter . ( ajaa harvoin )
6 . The wind ____________________ ____________________ from the north every month . ( puhalsi usein )
7 . He ____________________ ____________________ the Internet every week . ( käyttää tavallisesti )
8 . The students ____________________ ____________________ for the exams many times a semester . ( opiskelivat yleensä )