New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ mining has been bad for the ____________________ in ____________________ . Finally , in ____________________ , the government of Ghana ____________________ the gold ____________________ and sent 5000 Chinese miners ____________________ . But they changed their ____________________ and now many mines are ____________________ . But there is a big ____________________ for the environment . ____________________ trees have been destroyed , and there are no ____________________ . The river water is ____________________ and not ____________________ . Some Chinese ____________________ have lost a lot of ____________________ . Mr Su from China made lots of money from ____________________ until ____________________ . But , in fact , the ____________________ like the Chinese . As always , the work is ____________________ and ____________________ : they get up ____________________ and return home at ____________________ . Sometimes they get up at ____________________ to check on the ____________________ . Thanks to ____________________ developed by the Chinese , Ghanaians can move a lot of ____________________ in one working ____________________ . Their pay is ____________________ . The profits can be ____________________ , or may be a hundred or a ____________________ dollars a day . But many can ? t make ____________________ and get stuck in Ghana with their ____________________ . Mr Wei says that after ____________________ a lot of money , you cannot ____________________ the situation of earning ____________________ . If we come here for three or ____________________ years and don ? t make enough , it is not ____________________ it ? he says . The gold is in the ____________________ rain forest . A dozen Chinese work in Mr Wei ? s gold ____________________ , and 30 to 40 Ghanaians , including one or two ____________________ and a few ____________________ who ____________________ ? and the work can be hard and ____________________ . When the day ? s gold is ____________________ up for the final ____________________ , they are ____________________ , and Mr Wei says that he can ____________________ his money coming ____________________ . He explains that Chinese people have been looking for gold for some ____________________ , but not long ago , the Ghanaian government ____________________ down many workings . Five thousand Chinese people had to ____________________ . Luckily the Ghanaians and Chine remain ____________________ . At the end of the ____________________ we see the working ____________________ at the ____________________ . Ghana has gold and ____________________ ? from which ____________________ is made . The environmenet is very ____________________ ? but gold ____________________ can cause problems to cocoa ____________________ . Gin Yang Wei says that in China a normal worker makes only ____________________ - 400 $ per ____________________ ? maybe an absolute maximum of ____________________ ? but that in Ghana , Chinese people can make hundreds of ____________________ of ____________________ . Generally , many people make enough money . It is very dangerous : they may be ____________________ ; or ____________________ may attack the gold working at ____________________ . In the film we seem them get ____________________ dollars ? worth of gold for ____________________ a day ? s work : but the fear of losing ____________________ is strong . For example the government might have another change of ____________________ . Some people say gold prospecting is destroying the ____________________ ; and the local community discuss the ____________________ . But the Chinese bring ____________________ and money , which is ____________________ . The job in the mine is ____________________ for the Ghanaian ____________________ . ____________________ , learned a ____________________ from the Chinese , and from their ____________________ . Mr . Su says that in fact they call him ____________________ . He is like a ____________________ to them . He ____________________ about them . If they ____________________ a good job , they are treated ____________________ . Elsewhere , Ghanaians earn ____________________ - ____________________ , but Mr . Su pays them ____________________ , including ____________________ . They have good ____________________ conditions , even including their ____________________ . Where they live is like a ____________________ . They have two ____________________ , and they ____________________ 3 times a day . The investment in this gold mine is worth about ____________________ a ____________________ dollars .