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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
The ____________________ Malindi Gave to ____________________ in ____________________ . Sometime in 1413 , sailors from ____________________ arrived at the court of King of ____________________ , India , with a host of ____________________ . Among them was a ____________________ . At that same time , an ____________________ Chinese admiral heading an ____________________ ____________________ also arrived and sent ____________________ to the Bengal court . The Chinese ____________________ witnessed the ____________________ of a giraffe which the ____________________ Sultan of ____________________ had sent , and became ____________________ by it . Noticing their ____________________ , the wily King of Bengal re - ____________________ the Chinese with the ____________________ the Malindians had brought , and with it started a ____________________ . ____________________ He ( also known as Cheng Ho ) , the Chinese admiral , made the Malindians ____________________ to visit the court of the ____________________ Dynasty , and if it wasn ? t too much of a ____________________ , to bring at least ____________________ other giraffe . Eager to ____________________ with the rest of the known world , the ____________________ of Malindi sent his ____________________ to ____________________ almost as soon as they arrived from ____________________ . With them was a ____________________ for Emperor ____________________ Le , the Ming Dynasty ____________________ at the ____________________ . He had risen to ____________________ after a suspicious ____________________ had killed his elder ____________________ Jianwen , the ____________________ emperor . The gift of a giraffe was therefore a ____________________ . In an elaborate public ____________________ in 1414 , the Malindi envoys presented the Emperor with his ____________________ giraffe . The animal was ____________________ and even , to some level , ____________________ . The renowned ____________________ Sheng Du was ____________________ to do a ____________________ of the giraffe being led by a handler , and a ____________________ was written and ____________________ about the ____________________ animal . For years , the giraffes from Malindi were ____________________ on the ____________________ side of the ____________________ during ____________________ functions . Zheng had also invited other ____________________ from the city states of the ____________________ of Africa and the East African ____________________ . Many sent their envoys to the Chinese emperor , including the powerful ____________________ of ____________________ . They gave the Chinese numerous gifts of ____________________ horn , elephant ____________________ , ____________________ shells , ____________________ , ____________________ , and other presents . The Ming court sent them back with ____________________ , gold , ____________________ , ____________________ , and other gifts . But that was after two years . For those ____________________ years , the envoys from Malindi and other city states travelled ? I would imagine like ____________________ around China and received royal ____________________ ; saw everything there was to see in China . Their ships were then ____________________ with gifts for their kings and Sultans and they joined ____________________ ? s armada for an ____________________ ____________________ back home . Off the sea near Pate Island , it is said that one of the ships in Zheng ? s fleet ran ____________________ . Some of its ____________________ ____________________ ashore and , to ____________________ ____________________ the people of Pate , ____________________ a ____________________ that had ____________________ the village . They settled and their ____________________ now live in ____________________ ____________________ on the ____________________ .