New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
There is ____________________ child . Her name is ____________________ . Neko ____________________ ice cream . Neko goes ____________________ a store . ____________________ is a cashier in the store . Neko ____________________ the ____________________ ? I want ice ____________________ . ? The cashier ____________________ generous . The ____________________ gives Neko ice cream . It is ____________________ ice cream . Neko does ____________________ like broccoli ice cream . ____________________ tells the cashier , ? I don ? t ____________________ broccoli ice cream . ____________________ want chocolate ____________________ ice cream . ? Neko is ____________________ , so she ____________________ .

Neko goes to a ____________________ store . The ____________________ of the store is Big Wonderful ____________________ Store . ____________________ is a cashier ____________________ the store . The cashier tells ____________________ , ? Welcome to the ____________________ Wonderful Food Store . ?

Neko tells the cashier , ? I want ____________________ mint ice cream . ?

The cashier ____________________ Neko , ? Chocolate mint ice cream ____________________ five thousand ____________________ . ?

Neko ____________________ not have five ____________________ dollars . She is sad . She cries .

Neko tells the cashier , ? In my ____________________ , this ____________________ is terrible . ?