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Hi everyone . Do you know Mark Twain ? He once said , " there are two types of people : those that are nervous and those that are liars . " This means that everyone who gives a presentation ? whether formal or informal , long or short , to strangers or colleagues - is nervous .
The ____________________ of my ____________________ is Dealing with Nervousness when Giving a Presentation , which is particularly relevant to you as we are studying presentations this month ! We'll ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 3 main points : I ? ll ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ talking about Preparation . ____________________ I ? ll ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Learning to Relax . And ____________________ , I ? ll discuss The Room and Equipment .

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ of the presentation , I ? d like to talk about preparation . This is key ! Practice until you feel at home with it . Nothing will relax you more than knowing exactly what you want to say . Irritate your friends and family ? make them listen to you . Prepare with notes , and not whole texts . This makes the presentation sound natural . Preparation , not memorization . ____________________ I ____________________ ____________________ , practice is key .

However , sometimes we can ? t relax even though we ? re prepared . This ____________________ me ____________________ my next point . Learn to relax . Find a method that works for you . Breathing and stretching help get you into your body , and out of your nervous mind . Here ? s a breathing technique that really works for me . ____________________ , sit with your back straight . ____________________ , breathe in slowly and deeply and hold it for five seconds . ____________________ slowly exhale . Repeat for a few minutes . This works wonders for calming the mind and body . ____________________ I ____________________ before , find a relaxation method or technique that works for you . You know yourself . This ____________________ me ____________________ the ____________________ of my second point .

____________________ let ? s ____________________ ____________________ the room and equipment . Get there early ! You need to be familiar with the place where you will be speaking . Is everything there that you need ? ____________________ I said ____________________ , practice . This time , practice with the equipment ? the computer , the TV , the markers , the video camera . As I'm sure you know , things can go terribly wrong with equipment .

____________________ let me just ____________________ ____________________ the main points . When dealing with nervousness , be sure to prepare and practice , learn some techniques for relaxing the mind and body , and make sure you check out the room and equipment .

____________________ me now ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the feeling of nervousness . Being nervous isn ? t all bad . Many experienced presenters say that you can also use your nervousness to give you that extra energy you need for a good performance !
So , that ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ of my presentation . I hope you find these suggestions useful , and I wish you all luck on your presentations . Don't be nervous !