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36 ____________________ the railway ____________________ took place under severe ____________________ . Many of the three ____________________ ____________________ died of malaria and cholera . 37 ____________________ goes ____________________ very rough ____________________ . It goes ____________________ ravines and gorges and ____________________ and fillings and ____________________ , and ____________________ - there are 42 tunnels from Colombo to ____________________ - it was ____________________ work in the ____________________ , at the time of ____________________ . 38 And the ____________________ was not co - ____________________ ; and we had no ____________________ at all ; no kind of ____________________ ____________________ for ____________________ , on laying the tracks : all by ____________________ labour . So it was ____________________ . 39 However , the soil which proved so ____________________ during the ____________________ of the railway line ____________________ ____________________ , too . There are lots of ____________________ ____________________ in the ground . 40 They adorn the crowns of ____________________ and the ____________________ of adored women ; as a result , Sri Lanka has a long and ____________________ tradition of ____________________ . These days , it's mostly for ____________________ . That brings in good money . 41 A ____________________ earns ____________________ 200 Euros a month . 42 Gems came into the ____________________ of human life ____________________ each and every gem carries a ____________________ to heal certain ____________________ . This was ____________________ at the ____________________ ; even though now , it has become a ____________________ thing or a smart time thing . 42 ____________________ in many ____________________ colours . The design is also made in Sri Lanka . 43 We're ____________________ to reach Kandy . We've ____________________ 130 ____________________ in three and a half hours 44 The climate is ____________________ more ____________________ at 500 meters . 45 Kandy was once the ____________________ of the ____________________ kings , and the epitome of ____________________ culture . 46 The kings were able to defend their ____________________ from the ____________________ powers for ____________________ here . 47 The station was ____________________ as far back as 1867 . 48 The blue water lily : Sri Lanka's ____________________ flower is sold here . It's often used as a ____________________ gift at ____________________ temples . 49 One of the most ____________________ in the whole of Sri Lanka is Sri ____________________ : the temple of the sacred tooth . 50 The most ____________________ Buddhist relic in Sri Lanka is kept here : the Buddha's upper left cuspid . A ____________________ symbol of national pride . 51 ____________________ come from all around the world to attend the daily services ; they donate ; and they pray . 52 The ninety - minute ____________________ starts at half - past nine . The word means ____________________ like , 'worship' , and is an ____________________ ritual in everyday ____________________ life . 53 ____________________ to legend , the Sacred tooth is said to store the Buddha's spiritual ____________________ . This belief also turned this religious relic into a political ____________________ of power for the ____________________ kings . 54 Sri Lanka was ruled by Kings . There were seven royal ruling ____________________ . In 1815 , the British ____________________ Kandy and with it , the ____________________ of the Sacred ____________________ . As an important ____________________ of power in Sri Lanka . 55 Patiently ____________________ outside the chamber where the relic is housed . 56 Visitors only get to see a ____________________ . The tooth isn't on display . It's said to be housed in an ivory capsule - which in turn is encased in six further ____________________ . 57 It's thanks to the ____________________ that Kandy is on Unesco's list of world heritage sites 58 There's a further spectacle worth ____________________ , right next to the temple , in the late ____________________ . The bats - ____________________ known as flying foxes - are getting ____________________ . 59 Kandy is also known for its dance ____________________ . These men and women are just ____________________ ready for one . The ____________________ dates back to the time of the last kings of Kandy . 60 This dance troupe has ____________________ since 1932 . In the past , the ____________________ was for the ____________________ of the king . If the king was sick , the dance was used to cure him . We even had healing ____________________ . 61 Today the dances are mostly for the tourists . ____________________ comes from a long line of dancers . The dancing tradition is passed on from ____________________ to generation . 61 The ____________________ is tough , and starts every day at five in the morning . ____________________ take place all year round , with very little time off . 62 The ____________________ consist of up to eleven ____________________ items . ____________________ these disks is called the ____________________ dance . The ____________________ lasts for ____________________ an hou r