New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ mentioned ____________________ patches : that's about a ____________________ down the ____________________ , the ____________________ road . And , of ____________________ , there's a ____________________ . The ____________________ patches are the island's ____________________ . Every ____________________ owns several ____________________ to grow ____________________ and other ____________________ , but as Harold pointed ____________________ this is really ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and everyone helps ____________________ when there's ____________________ to be ____________________ . The ____________________ also keep ____________________ , sheep , ____________________ and ____________________ ; but ____________________ of livestock are strictly ____________________ to prevent over - ____________________ of the ____________________ ; there is ____________________ pasture . It really feels like a ____________________ old ____________________ and ____________________ village : obviously a ____________________ village : and really it seems to me that it could just be a ____________________ of ____________________ , ____________________ out and ____________________ ____________________ in the ____________________ of the South ____________________ . ____________________ of course for the ____________________ , and that ____________________ is still ____________________ . It ____________________ in ____________________ and came ____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________ . Lava ____________________ out onto the ____________________ ____________________ : and ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ shows how ____________________ it came to ____________________ before it ____________________ , just a few ____________________ of meters ____________________ . It was a ____________________ experience for the ____________________ . Do you also remember the ____________________ ____________________ . Yes it ____________________ in ____________________ . And what was it like ____________________ the ____________________ , when the ____________________ was ____________________ just ____________________ the ____________________ ? It felt like ? I ____________________ it was a ____________________ shake , like that . . . at any rate , and it ____________________ so ____________________ the ____________________ starts to ____________________ . There was ____________________ to ____________________ to on the ____________________ : the only ____________________ was to ____________________ the ____________________ to ____________________ . We went to ____________________ Town for ____________________ and by the ship ____________________ ____________________ we ____________________ up to , we went ____________________ ____________________ : when I ____________________ back to ____________________ they took us to ____________________ : this was the ____________________ ____________________ we ____________________ in a ____________________ or a ____________________ in our ____________________ ! You only ride on ____________________ or ____________________ , that's ____________________ ! So ____________________ was your ____________________ like while you're were in ____________________ ? British ____________________ I will say ____________________ and I'll say it ____________________ : you ____________________ ____________________ for ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ with , ____________________ . . . I say it ; and any ____________________ can say the same ____________________ I'm ____________________ . And we ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and we always wanted to come ____________________ to ____________________ again . And ____________________ what made you want to come back to ____________________ ? Well , ____________________ so ____________________ to ____________________ it's , it's so ____________________ , it's ____________________ , it's so ____________________ ! Because I don't like the ____________________ , a lot of ____________________ you ____________________ , but I just like the ____________________ . It's so ____________________ on ____________________ you can ____________________ the grass ____________________ .