New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Shop Assistant
2. Customer

Is there a discount for cash?

Are you looking for any speacil brand?

Let me see that dress, please?

Do you have it in black?

Would you like any help?

I'll take it!

I’m going to pay cash / by credit card.

How may I help you?

I'll take10% off if you pay cash.

No, thanks. I'm just looking/ browsing.

How much is it?

I'm looking for something more casual.

We have it in pink , blue and yellow.

What colors/brands do you have?

How would you like to pay?

How much does it cost?

We don't take credit cards

Do you need any help?

Would you like any special color?

What kind would you like to see?

What size would you like to buy?

Can you show/bring me that dress from the window,please?

Can I help you?

I'd like to buy a raincoat, please.