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1. Collage
2. Land policies
3. Removal of he creek
4. 3 Key people

Principle of chief nation

Fought Aganist American indians, he belived that they should be moved to indian territory.

John Marshall

Land Lotteries

Brief conflict between the US and creeks in 1836. In conclusion US troops, assisted by Alabama rounded up the creeks and sent then to indian territory.

Controversal chief of the lower creeks in the early 19 century of Georgia

Georgia gave thousands of acres of land to soldiers who have fought during the revolution. Also man who did not fight in the revolution could also receive free land. Whiteman over 21 could get up to 200 acres of land .

Final approach to calculate land from 1805 to 1833 there was a man lotteries the lotteries gave Georgians the chance to gain a large amount of land, for pennies on the dollar .

university of Georgia

Yazoo Land Fraud

Removal of he creek

John Ross

William Maclnosh

The first collage for people who did not have lots of money and a lower education.

Played signifigant role with the indian removal. ruled in favor of missonaries and cherrokee in general.

Second approach named after a river in the present state of Mississippi this axle and much of the land that would become an Alabama and Mississippi to Storieland companies for 500 Second approach named after a river in the present state of Mississippi this act sword much of the land that would become Alabama and Mississippi to four land companies for $500000

headright system

Andrew Jackson