New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A 1931 ____________________ of a summer ____________________ party in Norfolk shows ____________________ alongside some of the most promising ____________________ of the ____________________ : Henry ____________________ , Barbara ____________________ and Ben ____________________ . Whereas his ____________________ are seen stripped partly ____________________ in pursuit of ____________________ of sun and ____________________ , Hitchens himself appears a ____________________ ____________________ , attired in ____________________ , jumper and ____________________ , carrying a ____________________ over his ____________________ . He resisted being stereotyped as any particular ____________________ of ____________________ ? an ____________________ , or , latterly , some kind of abstract ____________________ ? saying ? No ____________________ should ____________________ himself . That is for others to do ? A painter should have ____________________ ____________________ or ____________________ . ?
Setting up his ____________________ and ____________________ in the open ____________________ , he sought ? first to ____________________ the ____________________ ____________________ of my ____________________ , which is ____________________ with its ____________________ , and to understand my own ____________________ ____________________ to it ? . He would then usually ____________________ a quick ____________________ , followed by ? a careful , well - knit ____________________ ? , which he would then ____________________ , only to start all over ____________________ on the ____________________ , ? painting ____________________ , regardless of the ____________________ proportions of ____________________ ? . He wrote elsewhere , ? I should like things to ____________________ into ____________________ with so ____________________ a ____________________ that the spectator's ____________________ and ? aesthetic ____________________ shall receive a ____________________ ____________________ , a clear ____________________ . ?
It is the quite ____________________ clarity of his application of ____________________ ? a broad swathe of ____________________ ____________________ , say , to evoke a stretch of ____________________ in the early ____________________ , or a succession of broad brushstrokes ( ____________________ , russet and ____________________ ) describing the ____________________ , recessive ____________________ of a woodland ____________________ in ____________________ ? that delivers in his paintings ____________________ the ____________________ ____________________ , ? a clear ____________________ ? . The spectator of Hitchens' landscapes feels ____________________ in a ____________________ intuitive ____________________ of ____________________ , its enigmatic ____________________ and ____________________ , its thrilling ____________________ of ____________________ , tone and ____________________ , its swimming ____________________ .
Hitchens' best paintings conjure up with acute ____________________ the richly layered ____________________ of a particular ____________________ . For example , in a series of eight paintings of ____________________ Water , a ____________________ - fringed ____________________ , he aimed to evoke , in different ways , ? four entities , forming the whole ____________________ ? . These main themes were the ____________________ itself ( ? swept by ____________________ ripples and glaring ____________________ ? ) ; a ? swift - flowing water ____________________ tumbling in a small ____________________ ? over a bank ; ? the ____________________ , cool , clear ____________________ ____________________ below ? ; and ? leading out from this pool , the winding ____________________ , ____________________ - ____________________ , strung with ____________________ ? .