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Blood dyscrasias

In individuals with burns, mucormycosis generally involves only the skin and rarely results in rhinocerebral infection.

Iron overload

Disease states treated with high-dose steroids

This includes solid organ (eg, liver, kidney ) and bone marrow transplantation. Maertens et al found that the incidence of mucormycosis in recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplants was 1.9%. However, most cases do not involve the central nervous system (CNS). Graft versus host disease (GVHD) and donor leukocyte infusions are also risk factors.

Iron overload states, as observed with hemochromatosis and deferoxamine treatment in patients receiving dialysis, may be risk factors. Iron enhances fungal growth and increases susceptibility. Researchers have reported infection in patients with liver and renal failure.


One case report described mucormycosis in a patient with an adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH)– producing pulmonary tumor associated with Cushing syndrome.


These include lymphoma, prolonged neutropenia, and leukemia. Researchers estimate that the incidence of mucormycosis in persons with hematologic malignancy is approximately 1%.