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Several hormones can be measured and ____________________ to aid in the diagnosis of pregnancy . The ____________________ commonly ____________________ assays are for the beta subunit ____________________ hCG . Other hormones that have been used include progesterone and early pregnancy ____________________ .
The cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast each secrete a variety of hormones that include , but are not limited to , corticotropin - releasing hormone , gonadotropin - releasing ____________________ , thyrotropin - releasing hormone , somatostatin , corticotropin , ____________________ chorionic thyrotropin , human placental lactogen , inhibin / activin , ____________________ growth factor - beta , insulinlike growth factors 1 and 2 , ____________________ growth factor , pregnancy - specific beta - 1 glycoprotein , placental protein 5 , and pregnancy - associated plasma protein - A . To date , no commercially ____________________ tests that use these hormones have been made available to ____________________ in the diagnosis of pregnancy .