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By ____________________ weeks' gestational age , the ____________________ ( ie , mesonephric ) and the ____________________ ( ie , paramesonephric )
ducts ____________________ formed from intermediate ____________________ . In the absence of testosterone and müllerian
inhibitory substance , the ____________________ ducts regress and the paramesonephric ducts continue ____________________ form
the female reproductive ____________________ with fusion ____________________ the distal portions of the paramesonephric ducts to
give rise to the uterine fundus , the cervix , and the upper ____________________ . These ____________________ changes are
genetically controlled in large part by a series of complex transcriptional signaling pathways including
Wnt signaling , Hox genes , and many others . In a female fetus , the wolffian duct disappears except for
nonfunctional vestiges . The müllerian duct is lined by a columnar epithelium . This includes the entire
cervix and upper vagina to the vaginal ____________________ ( ie , sinovaginal bulb ) . Through a process of squamous
metaplasia , the vagina and a variable portion of the ectocervix become covered with ____________________
epithelium . This process is complete by the fifth month of ____________________ .