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In general, the prevalence of pemphigus foliaceus in men and women is about equal; however, in the Sousse region of Tunisia, an overwhelming predominance of women are affected. The peak incidence of endemic pemphigus foliaceus in women aged 25-34 years in the Sousse region of Tunisia is 15.5 cases per million per year. In El Salvador, a similar female and age predisposition may also be evident.

The mean patient age at onset of pemphigus foliaceus is about 50-60 years; however, it may occur at any age, from infancy onward.

Pemphigus foliaceus has been described in all races.

The incidence of pemphigus foliaceus varies depending on the population studied. Pemphigus foliaceus is rare and sporadic worldwide. In contrast to PV, no predominance of pemphigus foliaceus is found in Jews and in people of Mediterranean descent. An increased incidence of pemphigus foliaceus was noted in Tunisian women (6.6 cases per million per year), whereas, in Western Europe, the incidence of pemphigus foliaceus is about 0.5-1 case per million per year.