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Endourethral and/or endocervical culture...

Nucleic acid–based tests:


KOH preparation:

Nasopharyngeal and/or rectal swabs:

STD testing for syphilis...

Nucleic acid amplification...

Pregnancy testing:

Wet mount preparation:

For gonorrhea screening in men who have sex with men

Not useful test in urethritis, except to help exclude cystitis or pyelonephritis

tests (eg, PCR for N gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia species)

To detect the movement/presence of Trichomonas

In women who have had unprotected intercourse

For C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae (urine specimens) and other Chlamydia species (endourethral samples)

to evaluate for fungal organisms

serology (VDRL) and HIV serology

for N gonorrhoeae and C trachomatis